Adventure Designer

Ed Critchlow

CTO / Creative Director / Game Designer

BS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California Berkeley

MS Computer Science
University of California Santa Cruz 1989

Left PhD program in 1990 to work at NEC Technologies

The Sierra On-Line years 1992-1998

My first work at Sierra On-Line was developing and
supporting the Sierra Creative Interpreter, which
was a game engine driven by an object oriented
programming language controlling the game.

Starting with Collier's Encyclopedia, the SCI team
was disbanded and we all became
Windows / Internet game programmers.

Games With Credits: 26

PoliceQuest: Swat 2 : June 30, 1998

I am a "Terrorist, hostage, innocent bystander"
in my black motorcycle jacket and white
T-Shirt Pic in Police Quest: SWAT 2

Collier's Encyclopedia : June 30, 1997

The Realm: June 30, 1997

Leisure Suit Larry : Love For Sail!: June 30, 1996

Lighthouse: The Dark Being : January 1, 1996

Rama : January 1, 1996

Torin's Passage : December 31, 1995

Shivers : December 31, 1995

Space Quest VI: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier
: November 27, 1995

Phantasmagoria : A Puzzle of Flesh : August 8, 1996

Police Quest : SWAT :1995

Roberta Williams: Phantasmagoria : August 8, 1995

Gabriel Knight 2 : The Beast Within: June 30, 1995

Kings Quest VII: The Princess Bride: January 1, 1994

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up Or Slip Out: December 31, 1993

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers: December, 17 1993

Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness: December 5, 1993

Police Quest IV: Open Season : November 27, 1993

Space Quest V: The Next Mutation : November 27, 1993

Slater and Charlie Go Camping : May 19, 1993

Freddy Pharcas, Frontier Pharmacist: April 16, 1993

Ecoquest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest: February 5, 1993

Pepper's Adventures In Time: February 5, 1993

Hoyle 4: Classic Card Games: January 1, 1993

King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow:
September 30, 1992

The Dagger of Amon Ra: August 30, 1992

SWAT 2 King's Quest VI Hoyle IV Pepper's Adventures Gabriel Knight I Freddy Pharcas Phantasmagoria Police Quest 4 Gabriel Knight 2 Lighthouse King's Quest VII Arthur C. Clarke's RAMA Ecoquest 2 Slater and Charlie Space Quest VI Quest For Glory 4 Dagger of Amon Ra Shivers Leisure Suit Larry 7 Leisure Suit Larry 6 Torin's Passage Space Quest V SWAT The Realm Phantas 2 Collier's Encyclopedia

After Sierra

Developed Children's e-Books 1999-2000
With Author/Artist Carol A. Neves

Pooker's Adventures

Senior Software Engineer at Leap Frog 2001-2003
Developed Tools for the Leap Pad

Senior Software Engineer at Perforce Software
2004-2006 Developed Tools for Battle Simulation

CTO The Record Machine / The Open Mic Documentary
2006-2008 Created Web Sites, Filmed Cable TV Show

Course Director in Game and Art Design
Expression College 2009-2010 Teaching Flash

Senior Software Consultant at Judobaby 2010 - 2011
Developed audio section of game engine

Creative Director at Virtual Event Media 2012 - 2014
Created virtual reality 2D+ engine to document
events and the world spaces they inhabit