Adventure Designer


Pooker's Adventures

This Children's e-Book was developed in 1999
With Author/Artist Carol A. Neves
It was a precursor to the development
of the XML language but was converted later.

The Virtual Dickens Christmas

The Dickens Christmas Fair is an example of
the 2D+ world exploration. You navigate into
the world from the Fair overview pic.
You can travel from room to room seeing
and hearing the world through pictures ,
videos, and musical background from the Fair

Ghosts of the Utah

This is the current unfinished demo of the game.

Follow the arrows from room to room.
If somone has a rectangle around their head
you can talk to them by clicking on it.
If you see video icons click to see a video.

Check out the control panel on the right.
The info button will bring up a story panel/ game
info. While there check out your knapsack. When
full you have won and are transported to a hidden
page. Use the Table Of Contents button to quickly
move about, even save your game to return later.